Ex Umbra is an unofficial fanzine project featuring the characters of Genshin Impact within a Mafia AU Setting. This zine is a collaborative effort of 55+ contributors spanning page illustrations, written pieces, merchandise, and spot illustrations.


By purchasing a copy of Ex Umbra, you understand and agree to the following terms & conditions:


  • All items within this storefront are preorder items. Production of these items will not begin until the preorder window has ended. Production is estimated to 3-5 months to complete. Shipping will begin after production has concluded, estimated to begin around Summer 2023. Any and all updates on production or shipping will be available on our social media accounts.
  • All purchases are for personal use ONLY. Redistribution or resale of any product to any third party is not permitted. The contents, including digital documents in their entirety or screenshots of the content, should not be posted to any online platform or sold to a third party. Some documents are optimized for digital viewing purposes and are not intended for printing, commercial redistribution, or other use.
  • Ex Umbra is not responsible for legality of ownership of any items. Buyers are responsible for any import taxes or other fees (including VAT) applied to all products. Ex Umbra is also not responsible for any issues caused by ordering via a Group Order Manager and will not replace or refund lost or damaged items. 

Who are the contributors for Ex Umbra?


A full line-up of our dedicated family can be noted here.


Where will the zine be shipped from?


Ex Umbra will be shipped from the USA, all shop currencies will be presented as USD.


Is there a set timezone that the zine operates under?


The zine and social media accounts all operate under PST Timezone.


What do I do if I need to update my shipping address?


Please contact the zine team via our email address ([email protected]) if you need to make any changes to your order. Please include your name and confirmation number so we can find your order. 


Once production wraps up, we will post a final call for shipping address updates. Once packages have been shipped, we cannot accept any address changes, and no refunds will be offered for missing packages.


Will Ex Umbra ship internationally? Are there any countries you cannot ship to? 


Ex Umbra will be able to ship any countries not listed below (with tracking), per notice from the USPS:


Afghanistan, Bhutan, Brunei, Chad, Cuba, Laos, Libya, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Syria, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom*, and Yemen. 


*Special note for UK Buyers: Due to VAT restrictions, we cannot offer orders to the UK at this time. If enough interest is found, the team will consider having a limited, alternate method on another storefront site that will allow for UK orders.


Would Ex Umbra be open to Group Orders (GOs)?


We welcome Group Orders! At this point in time the only Group Order being fulfilled by the moderator team behind Ex Umbra is the Philippines Group Order. Therefore, we will not be responsible for any issues that may arise due to a third party Group Order Manager. Please consider joining a Group Order at your own risk.


In addition, due to the larger number of orders that can come within a Group Order, we will not be able to offer cancellations or refunds. We advise that you do not place a Group Order until you have verified your purchases with all members of the Group Order.


If you would like to host a group order and have any additional questions, please contact us through our email at [email protected].


When will digital orders be sent out? 


Digital orders and digital merchandise will be distributed once physical packages have been shipped (estimated Summer 2023)




Returns may only be processed during the pre-order period; all returns requested once pre-orders close may not be fulfilled. To cancel or change your bundle, please email us at [email protected] before pre-orders end. Please include the name you placed your order under as well as your order number in the email.


In case of damaged or missing products, you will need to contact Ex Umbra within 1 month of receiving the package for replacements or refunds.